Look & Feel
The Sennheiser PXC 250 headphones can be folded so you can easily carry them around in its pouch while traveling. Unfolding and especially folding, can be a bit of a puzzle however. There's only one way to fold them properly and for some bizarre reason, you always get it wrong the first time you try. Look closely at the image to the right and you'll see why. The right arm goes over the left arm, but the ear cup of the right arm is under the left arm and also under the middle part. See what I mean?

Usually I'm not all too fond of small ear cups on headphones. I like them to completely cover my ears so they immediately block out a lot of ambient noise. Also, with bigger ear cups the pressure is on my head and not on my ear lobes. But the Sennheiser PXC 250 felt really comfortable, probably due to the thick cushions that are used on the ear cups as well as the padded head band. Plus, when I saw a few people on the airplane with noise canceling headphones with huge ear cups they did look, well, kinda ridiculous.

The headset itself is very light but the black tube that holds the cancellation circuitry is relatively heavy. It also holds two AAA batteries and that's probably the reason why. You absolutely need to clip this to your belt or a pocket or it will rip the headset off your head in no time.

The carrying pouch is very nice but also very big and unless you shop at the "Big & Tall", won't fit any of your pockets. This makes the PXC 250 true travel headphones since chances are you won't be using them for anything else.

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